
Prizes and distinctions presented!!

The Union of Towns and Communes of the Parsęta River Basin organized on 18 December 2015 a conference held as part of the project titled “Protection of Biodiversity and Ecosystems in the Parsęta River Basin through Education of Kids and Youth” co-financed from the funds managed by the European Economic Area Financial Mechanism for 2009–2014 and the Voivodeship Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Szczecin.

The outcomes of our project were discussed during the meeting, prizes were presented to the winners in the photo contest for students "BIODIVERSITY AROUND US”, and to the teachers who wrote the best scenarios of classes in biodiversity in the contest "LIVE, LEARN, DEVELOP – PROTECT BIODIVERSITY”.

We warmly congratulate again all winners and distinguished participants!!!!

You will find a report of the conference on the Karlino Town Office website at


More details in the presentation attached (the link below).